Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Hayden's World Of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide

Module 1: 11 Addons You Can't Live Without
Making Gold with Addons is the new hot thing in World of Warcraft. To really become great at making gold, YOU NEED THEM! But you can't just install them, you NEED TO KNOW HOW TO USE THEM PROPERLY! There are 11 of them that you don't want to do without. I'm not only going to tell you what they are but also I'm going to show you how to use them to unleash their full power to get rich!

Module 2: The Auction House Made Easy
Knowing how to use the Auction House and Mastering the Auction House are two completely different things. The difference between the two reflects entirely on how much gold you have. If you have a lot of gold then you've probably mastered it, if you don't, then you need to get this to Learn to Master it. In this module I cover some of the best kept Auction House Secrets used by the pros.

Module 3: Get Paid to Gather
Gathering is one of the best and easiest ways to make a lot of gold but most people have no idea how to do it efficiently. This module will cover the best items to gather and where to gather them in complete detail with maps. You'll always know where the best farming spots in the game are. Gather and watch your gold pile grow!

Module 4: Crafting Your Way to Thousands A Day
Over the last few years I've spent time developing a system using crafting professions that allows you to earn thousands a day by only spending 20 minutes or less in game. I will show you exactly how to do it in this module. You won't find this information anywhere else.

Module 5: Fishing and Cooking Your Way To Prosperity
Fishing and cooking is one of the best ways to make gold that is often overlooked. I'm going to show you with detailed maps the best places to fish and the best things to cook. Using this information will allow you to make a ton of gold.

Module 6: Farm and Grow Rich
Farming can be simple, fast, and fun if you know what you're doing. This module includes maps and details for the best farming spots in game and which items you should be farming. Don't waste time on anything else if you're going to farm. And don't let others fool you, you can make an insane amount of gold with farming.

Module 7: Quick and Easy Instance Farming
Instances farming is by far my favorite way to make gold because it's so fun! This module covers what instances are the hottest to farm to make the most gold. Complete walkthroughs are provided and they let you know how much you should be making in each instance.

Module 8: A Guide To Making Gold Before Level 85
Here you'll learn everything you wanted to know about making gold before level 85. This precious module is missing from most other gold guides that only focus on being max level. Not only do I cover it, but I tell you how to get rich before you're max level.

Module 9: Making Gold for Fun and Profit
Yes, contrary to popular belief, there are miscellaneous ways to make a lot of gold that are really fun. This module is a compilation of some of the most unique gold making ideas and how to properly implement them so they work for you.

  • How to find all the HOT DEALS on the Auction House that others don't know about (I find it funny that most people think they know how to use the Auction House, but once you read my guide, you will be ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at what you didn't know).
  • How to get money for your mounts, whether you're level 20, 40, 60, 70, 80 or 85 and getting a regular land or epic flying mount. What I reveal to you in this guide will always leave you with plenty of gold to buy your mounts (no more hitchhiking).
  • Common gold making mistakes other players make and how to avoid them (some of these are really common sense but people still do them for some reason).
  • The hottest selling items for each profession and how to make tons of gold off these items whether you crafted them or not!
  • The best places to mine, herb, and skin. I'm not going to lie to you, this comes with full routes and detailed instructions. You will MAKE gold using them.
  • How to use addons to make gold farming easier (no these aren't hacks they are Blizzard Approved addons that most players don't even know exist)!
  • Unique ways to make gold that other players don't even realize exist.
  • How to identify the next hottest items and have them up for sale in the Auction House before anyone else even thinks about it!
  • Ways to manipulate the Auction House so the items you sell, ALWAYS SELL, and for the PRICE you choose!
  • How to make TONS of gold off any profession, no matter which ones you have! (yes a lot of people aren't even using their profession they already have to make a TON of gold because they don't know how. I'll tell you exactly how in my guide!
  • How to make hundreds of gold while helping other players at the same time you are farming!
  • Know which daily quests are worth doing, what ones aren't, and learn what order you should do them in to maximize your gold!
  • How to quickly identify which items are worth farming and the absolute best places to find them!
  • And MUCH, MUCH, MORE! So much more, that if I put it all in this box you'd still be here reading it tomorrow.

If you've continued to read this page, you've made the right choice. If you already know you want this guide because it's already been proven to work then you can skip the rest of this page and GET YOUR COPY TODAY.
For those of you who are going to continue reading, GREAT! I highly encourage everyone to fully investigate a product before they try it, PLUS, I have a lot more to tell you!
This is the most comprehensive gold guide available on the market, I should know I've tried all the others.

I personally wrote this guide for Mists of Pandaria. I thoroughly developed and tested these new strategies. These aren't some old strategies that have been repackaged to make the guide look huge.
There is nothing in this guide that is old or outdated and EVERYTHING works. I don't just tell you what you could do to make gold, I tell you exactly where to go, what you should do, and if that isn't enough, I've even included DETAILED MAPS!

To give you an idea of the quality of my guide, this is an ACTUAL map from the farming chapter. The guide is packed with charts, graphs and instruction on how to make gold. Unfortunately, I can't show you more because it would be unfair to people who have already received their copy, but you get the idea.

My guide is highly organized and easy to navigate so that you can find anything and everything as fast as humanly possible or at least as fast as you can click and read.
I've ran into my fair share of guides that are unsorted, ungrouped, and have no real way to navigate them. Oh sure, they advertise they have a table of contents but even that is unsorted, poorly named, and if you find something in there that you like, you probably won't be able to get back to it.
My guide is SIMPLE to use and has one of the most elite navigation structures ever created, besides bookmarks the table of contents is over 5 pages long by itself, I DARE you to try and NOT BE ABLE to find something.

My guide does not contain any hacks or cheats, and is 100% LEGAL.
I put a lot of time into my characters and the last thing I'm interested in is GETTING BANNED. I have read the entire End User License Agreement (that thing most people scroll through and click the accept button without reading) and all World of Warcraft rules several times!
You will NOT get banned or suspended for using my guide. My guide requires nothing more than World of Warcraft and you reading and applying the advice in the guide. I don't promote or support the use of third party hacks, bots, or cheats.
get in here

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